We're always happy to help with any questions or queries you may have.

The answers to many frequently asked questions can be found here but if you need any other information, we'll do our best to help.
Call us
Call our sales team on 02081490062 (Monday-Thursday 9-5pm and Friday 9pm-4pm).
Chat to us online
Chat to our sales reps online by clicking the chat button at the bottom of the page. The feature is available Monday-Thursday 9-5pm and Friday 9pm-4pm. If a sales agent is unavailable, please leave a message with your name and email so we can get back to you as soon as possible.
Email us
Email us by clicking here.
Write to us
Inn Supplies (UK) Ltd, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. (this is not the return address).